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Colonel Robert F. Cunningham
30 September 2014
Aku Press, LLC.
ALBUQUERQUE, NM -- What would the dog do with it if he caught it? Most people, and everyone on government payroll, rants and raves about truth-this truth-that as if they are anything other than the magnanimous liars their own clear documentation proves them to be.
That TRUTH doesn't, can't and will not just go away.
Media? Grand liars, second only to government, just ahead of religions with smaller mass audiences.
Lying for the sake of lying? Hardly.  :There's usually a temporary splash of fame or power with a more-permanent stash-of-cash at the end.
Ask the Bushes, Clintons, Obamas, Pelosis, Feinsteins, Reids, Holders.
And what do they do with that stash of cash? Buy power with it! Unjustified, un-Constitutional power over everyone who didn't get into the game of stealing enough tax-payer money while doing 'public service' abominations.
Thus, the War of Restoration cometh.
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