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Colonel Robert F. Cunningham
30 August 2014
Aku Press LLC
ALBUQUERQUE, NM - And WHO is that?
(1) Anyone that objects to even a comma of out-of-control government;
(2) anyone that doesn't accept 'their' version of Jesus; and
(3) anyone who dares dispute any pretext of Marx regardless of how idiotic, personally restrictive, murderous or unjust.
We're all instantly relegated to the tin-foil-hat brigade should we express any objection or 'racist' should the Bastard That Be been born non-white.
Voter Fraud prevents voting them out of office; complicit media prevents the public from knowing the TRUTH.
Is there any other workable solution? YES! Our Republic, Constitution and Bill of Rights will be restored the same way they were established. The only differences will be quality of powder, caliber of shot, and numbers of dead and injured.
This will not be a Civil War, it will be a War of Restoration by Sovereign Citizens overthrowing an out-of-control government.
Thus, the War of Restoration cometh.
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