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Colonel Robert F. Cunningham
10 June 2014
Aku Press LLC
by Colonel Robert F. Cunningham, Aku Press, LLC.
ALBUQUERQUE – 22 February 2014 – The great current rampage of and about climate change-cum-global warming, by all the known Powers That Be on and off government payroll, has some validity. The cause is two-fold. (1) HAARP [High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program], that super-secret rack-upon-rack of antennae powered by transmitters nobody is allowed to investigate or even do an on-scene report about. (2) ChemTrails, those horizon-to-horizon streaks in the sky that officially "do not exist" anyone can see nearly every day all over the world in the same skies with other aircraft having normal, or none, contrails.
Droughts in one place and horrific storms in another are devastating the planet. Global weather changes aren't anything new as history clearly records. What is happening now is neither normal, natural nor happenstance. There IS a reason, a cause and culprits if you must.
Our ability to produce food, and even the right to rainfall and natural water on our own property, is all-but nonexistent. Climate change is very real (global warming is not!) and under total control of those hammering for more money for themselves in one hand and unspeakable restrictions on the citizens in the other!
Deliberately created climatic conditions are but one of the intrigues of attack against all common citizens. It has but one set of authors, one set of government-funded puppets, and virtually all lying stream media as assets. A dastardly combination of technology, legislation and propaganda.
Who are these knowing liars? All those sparing no effort, specifically including media, that are raising the most racket with respect to said money-and-restrictions reputedly required to do something (better known as the usual nothing) about this 'impending catastrophe.' Leading this phony parade is none other than former U.S. Vice President Albert Arnold "Al" Gore, Jr., whose other claim to fame is his invention of the internet.
Make no mistake, all Powers That Be, media and manipulators, fully understand the real cause of these climatic atrocities: Super-Secret HAARP and 'nonexistent' ChemTrails.
All the other politico-economic considerations notwithstanding, there is but one cure: THROW ALL THE BASTARDS OUT with and by whatever means prove necessary and expedient.
FYI: my preferred process, the ballot box, is woefully ineffective and inefficient due to rampant and equally unaccounted VOTER FRAUD.