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TRUTH is TREASON in the Land of Tyranny!
The Akurians
The Akurians have the Messiah AND The Testimony of The Most High, Himself.
Nobody else has either. The Most High, Himself, says so!
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Excerpt from Chapter Forty Four, Paragraphs 8418-8486
Copyright 1962, 2006, 2008, The Akurians
30 November 2009-13 Kislev 5770
The AED is the only publication whereof The Most High, Himself, will testify to you, the individual, that each and every word, statement and claim therein is absolute, irrevocable, consistently verifiable truth. Compare that with the Holy Bible of which He will testify to the validity of only NINE books: the first five (Torah), Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy; the Prophets, Isaiah, Ezekiel and Daniel in the Old Testament; and the only New Testament inclusion, the Book of Revelation. The rest have either been deliberately altered, edited into or edited out-of, even though many parts contain some accuracy. He will not testify as to the validity of any part of the Holy Qu'ran, and only to the historical record of the Bhagavad Gita.
Double Quotes ("") are Direct Quotes from The Most High.
Ignore His Words at your own peril.
8418 ""Behold, I give you the Keys to the Signs of the Times: Heathens of the House of Judah shall publish much to profit themselves and deceive the whole world that I am dead, that I never was, that I am the invention of devious men (remember the "God is dead!" chants of the hippies in the late '50s to this day?) and am therefore nonexistent and powerless; therefore how shall I have died if I have never lived? But such is the stupidity of the mind taught not to think. And when you shall see this clear sign: Rejoice! for My Testimony of you in the souls of the few shall make that few to know that the whole of the House of Judah and all their socialist whoredoms are condemned in My Sight!
8419 ""Behold, I give you the Keys to the Signs of the Times: Heathens of the House of Judah shall conspire the death of tyrants to empower more tyrants that all opposition and initiative (individual) thought be slain in the name of liberty and in the name of man's laws of self-divinity (you can't think because YOU are not a government official!) that even the very gates of sustenance shall be the domain of the heathens of the House of Judah! And when you shall see this clear sign: Rejoice! for My Testimony of you in the souls of the few shall make that few to know that the whole of the House of Judah and all their socialist whoredoms are condemned in My Sight!
8420 ""Behold, I give you the Keys to the Signs of the Times: Heathens of the House of Judah shall publish much of great discoveries in husbandry (livestock farming), altering and polluting the natural order I have established of even the very seed of the ground (hybridization, hybrids DO NOT and CANNOT breed true), and force them upon an unneeding and unwary people. And even when the atrocity of it is made clear, the heathens of the House of Judah shall prevail by law and corrupted publicans! And when you shall see this clear sign: Rejoice! for My Testimony of you in the souls of the few shall make that few to know that the whole of the House of Judah and all their socialist whoredoms are condemned in My Sight!
8421 ""Behold, I give you the Keys to the Signs of the Times: Heathens of the House of Levi and the Heathens of the House of Judah and all the Demonics of Socialism under their hand shall publish much of claimed new moralities, racemixing, and enforcing marriages between male and male and between female and female, altering and polluting the natural order I have established that even the very seed of procreation be profaned in all the land; and force them upon an unneeding and unwary people; and know: I established the Holy Order of All Things, and Holy Matrimony is a union of a male husband and female wives; and I will neither accept, Bless nor endorse any other! Yea! Children born of such Holy Union are not conceived in sin, but in Righteousness! And even when the atrocity of it is made clear, the heathens of the House of Judah and the Demonics of Socialism under their hand shall prevail by law and corrupted publicans! And when you shall see this clear sign: Rejoice! for My Testimony of you in the souls of the few shall make that few to know that the whole of the House of Judah and all their socialist whoredoms are condemned in My Sight!
8422 ""Behold, I give you the Keys to the Signs of the Times: Heathens of the House of Levi and the Heathens of the House of Judah and all the Demonics of Socialism under their hand shall publish much of claimed new moralities, racemixing, and enforcing marriages between male and male and between female and female, altering and polluting the natural order I have established that even the very seed of procreation be profaned in all the land; and force them upon an unneeding and unwary people. And know: neither the Heathens of the House of Levi nor the Heathens of the House of Judah nor all the Demonics of Socialism under their hand shall truly consider nor concern themselves with the agony of mind, body, soul and spirit of those who are become deviate (homosexual, lesbian) of abuse and of neglect and of violence against them, even in their formative years!
8423 ""Lo! Heathens of the House of Levi and the Heathens of the House of Judah and all the Demonics of Socialism under their hand are an Abomination unto me! For they create and enforce the abuses and the neglects and the violence, even upon the unborn, and encourage the victims thereof to abandon all Righteousness to salve their agony and to maintain themselves! Lo! Heathens of the House of Levi and the Heathens of the House of Judah and all the Demonics of Socialism under their hand are an Abomination unto me! For they portray those who have chosen a degenerate body (birth defects, et cetera) to learn the Spiritual Wisdoms of it with the deliberate demonic deviate and with the victims who in their innocence had no means to resist!
8424 ""Therefore, I have given unto your hand that those who chose degenerate to become wise: to say thus unto them, "it is not you that are evil, but the acts (homosexual) you do are evil!" And to the demonic deviate: to say thus unto them, "you are a vile and a polluted of your own mind and of your own soul and have profaned the spirit within you, and lest you repent, you shall burn!" And to the Harmed (traumatized) who seek solace among their own fellows, "fear not the Wrath of The Most High upon you, for you are injured within your body, within your mind, within your soul and within your spirit and are become as though you were created such and have no power over the effects (like the color of your eyes at birth); therefore, though The Most High stands austere, He shall account your falls upon the head of all those who caused this affliction upon you, and He shall not account any falls upon the repentant and the faithful!"
8425 ""And it shall be that whomsoever shall be a chosen degenerate or a demonic deviate or a Harmed and shall come forth in true repentance unto me, I shall hear them and My Wrath against them shall be quelled; and it shall be that whomsoever shall be a chosen degenerate or a demonic deviate or a Harmed and shall come forth in true repentance unto me, and obey all My Holy Law as shall come before them, I shall consider them as I consider even the Most Righteous; and it shall be that whomsoever shall be a Harmed and shall come forth unto me, I shall not burn them even though they fall; I shall account it upon the head of all those who caused the affliction, and the Harmed may be themselves as they are become and be of True Service unto me, for the Harmed are not able and there is no healing in the whole world to restore them; that the chosen degenerate may understand and be of True Service unto me, and the demonic deviate may repent and be of True Service unto me! Lo! Heathens of the House of Levi and the Heathens of the House of Judah and all the Demonics of Socialism under their hand are an Abomination unto me! I have spoken it, and I am wroth, but I shall not judge against nor shall I burn any who will serve me in as much as they are able! And when you shall see this clear sign of True Repentance and True Service of the chosen degenerate and the demonic deviate and the Harmed deliver unto me: Rejoice! for My Testimony of you in the souls of the few shall make that few to know that the whole of the House of Judah and all their socialist whoredoms are condemned in My Sight!""
[INSERT: Should this procedure become the way of life in the whole world, all homosexuality would disappear in one generation! Each person must of themselves refuse to perpetuate the vile, abusive, neglect and violent conducts that created and caused their situation, and teach their charges (children, et cetera) not to practice such conduct toward their future generations; to take and accept all responsibilities for their own actions; and to learn and obey True Holy Law and its Righteousness. Simple as that to rid the world of the problem and its effects.
8427 Those who are born with male-female imbalance defects, chosen degenerates, can be of two causes: their own choice for incarnation and/or as result of sins of the fathers; either produces the same end result of the person involved. Those who have no such genetic imperfections and prefer and practice the deviate lifestyle of homosexuality, male or female, are simply vile and demonic. Victims of abuse, neglect or violence whether in childhood or not, specifically but not limited to wives in abusive marriages, must be judged and considered in an entirely different light and manner because their situation is an entirely different circumstance.
8428 Those who are engaged in homosexual lifestyles ARE NOT forbidden to test the Proof of the Anointing. And all demonic deviates can be cured; few of the chosen degenerates will be healed; and even fewer of the Harmed, as the Harmed who serve in Righteousness are a LIVING TESTIMONY AGAINST all those who caused their falling away from the Natural and Holy Process! The Most High will account their every falling upon the heads of those bastards who created and caused the situation, including all the damned socialists and legislators who enforced the issues!
8429 In short, those who are in homosexual lifestyles as an end result of abuse, neglect or violence against them who repent and serve The Most High as they are able are not required to do more because The Most High knows they CANNOT do more! He will heal some; He will leave others to live as they are; He will require True Service of all: and for that True Service he will account the falls of the Harmed upon the heads of those who caused the damned problem in the first place, and burn those bastards instead!
8430 The Harmed are in the same psychological situation as those who suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), most commonly known among ex-combat soldiers, but rampant among police, fire, rescue and medical personnel who are exposed to the effects even if not involved in the violence. Abused children have the same nightmares and other symptoms as ex-combatants, and that trauma is extreme and doesn't 'just go away' like the socialist bastards suggest. Combat is extreme! The mental injury aftereffects are as severe and as long-lasting as the physical injuries!
8431 And THAT is why The Most High has permitted consideration for the Harmed to make them Witnesses AGAINST the bastards who cause the problem, whether they be the actual physical perpetrator or the socialist manipulator anywhere else in the situation!
8432 They only have to do TRUE SERVICE! Just like everybody else in all other things.]
8433 ""Behold, I give you the Keys to the Signs of the Times: Heathens of the House of Judah shall publish much of great discoveries in the very cells of life, altering and polluting the natural order of purity I have established of even the very life's blood within you (fluoride, aspartame, high fructose sweeteners, hydrogenated oils, massive monosodium glutamate (MSG), hybrid and genetically altered food), and force them upon an unneeding and unwary people. And even when the vileness of it is made clear, the heathens of the House of Judah shall prevail by law and corrupted publicans! And when you shall see this clear sign: Rejoice! for My Testimony of you in the souls of the few shall make that few to know that the whole of the House of Judah and all their socialist whoredoms are condemned in My Sight!
8434 ""Behold, I give you the Keys to the Signs of the Times: Heathens of the House of Judah shall publish much of great discoveries in the very cells of life, altering and polluting the natural order of purity I have established of even the very life's blood (genetic engineering), and force them upon an unneeding and unwary people. And even when the vileness of it is made clear, the heathens of the House of Judah shall prevail by law and corrupted publicans! And when you shall see this clear sign: Rejoice! for My Testimony of you in the souls of the few shall make that few to know that the whole of the House of Judah and all their socialist whoredoms are condemned in My Sight!
8435 ""Behold, I give you the Keys to the Signs of the Times: Heathens of the House of Judah shall publish much of great cures and force them upon an unneeding and unwary people. And though the very bodies of the people rebel (penicillin, tylenol, statins, et cetera, all GREAT cures and treatments, and OVERLOADED upon the people to the point of deadly side effects) the heathens of the House of Judah shall prevail by law and corrupted publicans! And when you shall see this clear sign: Rejoice! for My Testimony of you in the souls of the few shall make that few to know that the whole of the House of Judah and all their socialist whoredoms are condemned in My Sight!""
[INSERT: With respect to the above, in the United States we can only refer to our 'government guardian' agency as the "Food and Drug ABOMINATION"! The department certainly can't be called an 'administration' as such a title infers some degree of honesty, integrity and competence. The Food and Drug ABOMINATION is totally devoid of all three.
8437 To Wit: High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) – known for nearly a century as a destroyer of the pancreas! Yet the kak-jews have railroaded it into everything edible that even comes close to needing a sweetener. And of course, for those who contract diabetes – Type I or Type II – the cost of foods with the high fructose corn syrup LEFT OUT costs far more than foods with the poison LEFT IN! Ask yourself, "How can NOT going to the expense of NOT buying or adding an ingredient COST MORE?" Scratch that surface and you'll find a vile nest of kak-jews both manipulating and profiting from the outright murders of the unsuspecting who get diabetes and all its additional diseases. It's simply a matter that HFCS is cheaper than cane or beet sugar, and to a kak-jew, money is far more important than any disease or destruction of their customer base victims. The process for making high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is by processing corn starch to make glucose, then processing the glucose to make a high percentage of fructose, both glucose and fructose become simple – but artificial – sugars. There is a lot more to it, adding disaster every step of the way. Alpha-amylase, an industrially produced bacterium, generally Bacillus SP, is used to treat the original cornstarch to produce polysaccharides which are shorter chains of molecular sugars. Then another enzyme, glucoamylase, breaks down the chains even further into glucose. Glucoamylase is produced by Aspergillus fungus via fermentation. A third and very expensive enzyme, glucose-isomerase, converts that contaminated stew into about 42 percent of the fructose and 50-52 percent glucose. Next is a liquid chromatography process that refines the mixture to 90 percent fructose, which is then re-blended with the original soup to make a final concentration of about 55 percent fructose, or HFCS. It is artificial, it is manmade chemical, and it is a deadly poison, even if it does take years to kill its many victims. Both alpha-amylase and glucose-isomerase, actually very large proteins, are genetically modified, and through that genetic modification specific amino acids in the enzymes are altered to prevent the enzyme's 'backbone' from breaking down allowing higher temperatures before the enzymes become unstable. Think about it: genetically modified corn processed with genetically modified enzymes. The fact is, under such kak-jew strangleholds, virtually everything we eat today has been genetically modified. Hybridization is a genetic modification.
8438 To Wit: NATURAL Glucose is not the problem, as virtually every living cell can metabolize glucose; but all fructose must be metabolized by the liver! In some very serious lab tests, rats given sucrose, a combination of glucose and fructose, developed multiple health problems, especially those rats deficient in copper. To find out if the problem was glucose or fructose another set of tests fed two batches of rats, one fed large amounts of glucose, the other high amounts of fructose. The glucose group was virtually unaffected and the fructose group were devastated! The males did not achieve maturity, and their livers resembled those of alcoholics, fat-clogged and cirrhotic. All had delayed testicular development, anemia, high cholesterol and heart hypertrophy. Their hearts enlarged until they exploded. The females were unable to produce live young! The entire fructose group were a living disaster, just like the current rampages of Type II, adult onset diabetes in grade school age children! It is NOT 'just happening', it is a DELIBERATE kak-jew manipulation for the sake of money!
8439 To Wit: Fructose and other artificial sweeteners are NOT better for diabetics than natural sugar, and are a time bomb for our children! And only to provide kak-jews with a few more pennies. Fructose is most dangerous in a growing organism. Therefore, we must protect our children and food supply livestock from it at all costs and by whatever means become necessary. The liver converts fructose into triglycerides more efficiently than glucose, and upsets the magnesium balance, a critical factor in diabetes. Elevated levels of triglycerides are known to increase risk of heart disease. Elevated triglycerides in males is a problem to be reckoned with, or else! The mineral balance in any living organism is an absolutely critical consideration, except to a kak-jew in the quest for another penny. No amount of 'spin' lies and half-truths to the contrary by the U.S. Surgeon General, National Academy of Sciences, Corn Refiners Association, Center for Science in the Public Interest, or anybody else, specifically INCLUDING the U.S. Food and Drug ABOMINATION, is going to change the fact such antics are a deadly disaster to the entire populace. Their spewing of 'more physical exercise' is a damned lie, and they know it. Modified or artificial ANYTHING in the food supply is bad news, and they damned well know THAT too!
8440 To Wit: Industrial improvements in the partial hydrogenation process produces cheaper shortenings and margarines out of soybeans than out of corn, thus the decline in corn oil margarine. Lysine, an amino acid, can be produced from the corn residue after the glucose is removed. Thus food conglomerates break down natural products into basic components, then reassemble and sell them as processed food! The four companies control about 85 percent of the processed food business: CPC International, Cargill, Staley Manufacturing Company and Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), the object of an FBI probe into price fixing of citric acid and lysine. NOTHING became of it, as money in the right hands always provides. And now the kak-jews have created Sucralose, chlorinated table sugar, a supposed "safe" replacement for aspartame laden NutraSweet! Just one more poison-food-for-profit forced upon the populace with full government endorsement. The chlorine disasters are below.
8441 To Wit: Essential fatty acids are NOT the fat we accumulate with age or rampant poisoning of our food supply. They are the absolutely essential element in each and every bodily process: all our metabolism, brain cell function, hormones, glandular function, hemoglobin oxygen-transport, digestion, nervous system, immune system, require some interaction with fatty acids. Without essential fatty acids there is no life. Period. But hydrogenation is an entirely different, and disastrous, situation! Often referred to as trans-fats, hydrogenation and partial hydrogenation are equally deadly time bombs. Fully hydrogenated oil is a solid, partially hydrogenated oil has a consistency about like butter, and both are a whole lot cheaper. Again, kak-jew money at the root of it.
8442 To Wit: The obesity epidemic began when hydrogenated oils replaced natural oils, coconut, butter, and then lesser-allergenic peanut oil with partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, usually soybean. Under the disguise of 'longer shelf life,' which proper cooking would accomplish, the entire food supply is poisoned with trans fats! The REAL reason is the manipulators don't want a populace to have food supplies that will last any longer than it will take for them to enslave a sure and certain rebellious population; and all the money they can rake in while weakening that same population with every disease they can manufacture and force upon them! In the process of bodily metabolism, fats temporarily attach themselves to cell walls and at normal body temperatures, process sugars in, waste materials and themselves out. Trans fats attach themselves, stop needed sugars, et cetera, pass toxins, disease carriers and disease creators in, and are virtually impossible to remove! Trans fats can require anywhere between 147 and 300 degrees to melt down and be excreted from the body, far above the DEATH LEVEL temperatures the body cannot produce or survive. Right there lies the ROOT CAUSE of epidemic obesity and its myriad of diseases! And the kak-jews who would move the Main Gates of Hell to profit from the brimstone fumes damned well know it and knew it from day one! Trans fats, all of which are deadly poisons, mimic natural fats and are a sure and certain death warrant. Partially hydrogenated fats are the absolutes of bodily disaster, interfering with the body's ability to ingest and utilize good fats, they also produce disease in the long term. It is impossible to 'diet' away any trans fat! Can't be done. A living organism will remain overwhelmed with hunger until it accesses the necessary essential fatty acids it requires. Thus 'diet' failure. Yet the kak-jews rake in billions with knowingly worthless fad diets and weight loss scams. Only the victims are oblivious to the realities.
8443 To Wit: Aspartame (APM, NutraSweet and Equal brand names of artificial sweeteners) known from day one to cause seizures and brain tumors in lab test animals, and UNTIL President Ronald Reagan appointed Dr. Arthur Hull Hays as FDA Commissioner, aspartame was banned from use in dry foods. Dr. Arthur Hull Hays overruled the FDA Board of Inquiry, permitting aspartame to be used in carbonated beverages and immediately left the government post for a very high-paying job with G.D. Searle, now owned by Monsanto. Monsanto is the world leader in genetically altered food from hybrids to growth hormones that poison virtually every bite of commercial food on the planet. The entire scientific community is fully aware that aspartame comes with several toxic agents such as methyl alcohol (methanol) and phenylalanine (PHE).
8444 To Wit: One of the problems with aspartame is that in the digestive system it turns into methanol, a deadly poison! Methyl alcohol is also wood alcohol, and has been known for years on end to produce irreversible bodily damages over a period of time, such as blindness. Aspartame has a chemical reaction with the enzyme chymotrypsin and makes methanol in the body! Because the body's temperature is ABOVE the 86 degrees Fahrenheit, 30 degrees Centigrade, absorption is speeded up. In short, you're getting plastered! Drunk! No wonder it's addictive. But that's only PART of the problem and the beginning of sorrows. Methanol turns into formaldehyde (embalming fluid) and formic acid as it goes. With enough aspartame you can seemingly get bombed and embalmed at the same time. And the Food and Drug ABOMINATION sees no problem with the fact that formaldehyde is a carcinogen, alters DNA replication producing birth defects and causes retinal (eye) damage.
8445 To Wit: The damned half-truth (which is a whole lie) that methanol is also created naturally in the digestive process of many other foods DOES NOT make aspartame safe – nor the Food and Drug ABOMINATION innocent! Methanol in nature always comes with a companion, ethanol, its own antidote for toxicity. Aspartame doesn't have any ethanol, and created methanol comes only with a profit margin for the kak-jews and other bastards at the Food and Drug ABOMINATION. Only two teaspoons of methanol is considered lethal in human beings, is only a toxicant and has no other therapeutic properties. Yet, the Food and Drug ABOMINATION removed all restrictions from use of aspartame in all heated foods, 27th of June 1996. In fact, the Food and Drug ABOMINATION won't even accept a complaint about aspartame! And THAT is an atrocity! It is the practice of Genocide across the board.
8446 To Wit: Criminal Code, Title 18 Chapter 50A, Sec 1091-3, the Federal Statute against Genocide, has no statute of limitations, and includes: whoever, whether in time of peace or time of war, with specific intent to destroy, in whole or in substantial part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group as such; and kills members of that group; causes serious bodily injury to members of that group; causes the permanent impairment of the mental faculties of members of that group through drugs, torture or similar techniques; subjects the group to conditions of life that are intended to cause the physical destruction of the group in whole or in part; imposes measures intended to prevent births within the groups: Shall be punished as provided in subsection B which reads, "if death results: death or life imprisonment and a fine of not more than $1,000,000 . . ." all of which can be ignored if you're a kak-jew with enough money to buy all the fellow kak-jews in government who are supposed to enforce the said statute.
8447 To Wit: U.S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) PROVED that a toxic byproduct of manufacturing chlorine, dioxin, is a 300,000 times more potent carcinogen than DDT! Chlorine, a yellow and deadly gas, very rarely occurs in nature. It is an industrially manufactured product produced by passing an electrical current through salt water, which gives a byproduct, caustic soda. That chlorine breaks down from salt and water is only viable under controlled laboratory conditions. NEVER in nature. Chlorine's process byproducts, organochlorines and dioxins do not break down easily and therefore are bio-accumulates, extremely toxic and carcinogenic. Chlorine in the food chain is an all-but inescapable nightmare. Contaminate the water, contaminate the fish; process the fish we don't eat directly into livestock feed, and we're eating toxic organochlorines and dioxins! These organochlorines, dioxins and other toxic chemicals accumulate in the fatty tissues where they are hormone disrupters, often mimicking estrogen. Such documented hormonal imbalances produce suppressed immune systems, neurotoxicity, reproductive infertility and alterations in fetal development. Our bodies are able to get rid of many toxic substances, EXCEPT organochlorines, dioxins and other such compounds. Even at very low levels, dioxins remain in the body and accumulate causing reproductive disorders and resulting birth defects, immune system breakdown and resulting cancers and other diseases. Dioxin, the chemical byproduct of manufacturing chlorine-bleached paper, is the single-most carcinogenic chemical, other than radioactives, known to mankind.
8448 To Wit: Brain damage from fluoridated water! Even at low levels. Studies of rats divided into three groups for one year were given either distilled water, distilled water with the same concentration of fluoridated drinking water (2.1 ppm NaF), or distilled water (0.5 ppm AIF3). Untreated distilled water had no adverse effects. Both treated waters produced elevated aluminum levels in the brain, relative to the controls. The evidence is: fluoride in water complexes with aluminum in food, enabling the aluminum to cross the blood-brain barrier. Both treated waters produced increased deposits of ß-amyloid protein in the brain similar to those in humans suffering with Alzheimer's disease, and neural injury. And it gets worse! Fluoride, the same anti-tooth decay drug in toothpaste and drinking water, is a medication for treatment of hyperthyroidism, a disorder of an overactive thyroid gland. Sodium fluoride has been the standard treatment for hyperthyroidism throughout most of the 1900s. 2.3 to 4.5 mg of fluoride per day for all intents and purposes literally cured the disease in about half the patients, while the remainder suffered a reduction in their Basal Metabolism. The problem? Commercial water fluoridation delivers a range up to 6.6 mg per person per day, far exceeding the dosage of the average hyperthyroid patient! Such a whopping intake of a totally unnecessary dose of ANYTHING is going to cause a disaster. In this case, hypothyroidism, UNDERactive thyroid, one of the most widespread and fastest growing diseases! And the kak-jews who make, sell and enforce by law all the fluoride they can cram down your throat; and who make and sell Synthroid, the most common treatment for hypothyroidism, just keep on counting the dollars from both ends of the handle.
8449 To Wit: Symptoms of hypothyroidism include fatigue, depression, weight gain, hair loss, muscle pain, joint pain, increased levels of LDL, the bad cholesterol associated with heart disease, and many other chronic and debilitating health symptoms; 5 to 10 mg of Sodium Fluoride (NaF) is equal to 2.27 to 4.54 mg of fluoride. Beginning to get the picture of the now-epidemic hypothyroid disaster? Fluorine is an excellent medication when used by competent medical practitioners on diseased patients. It is absolute idiocy to force medications of any kind on anybody who doesn't need them, especially the general populace! The kak-jews don't care as long as they rake in the money, even at the extermination of themselves.
8450 To Wit: MonoSodium Glutamate (MSG) is a neurotoxin and a deadly poison and directly related to cardiac arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation, tachycardia, angina, and heart problems at both ends of the spectrum, slow heartbeat, rapid heartbeat, heart palpitations; extreme rise or drop in blood pressure and circulatory problems often associated with diabetes; gastrointestinal problems, swelling, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, irritable bowel, swelling of hemorrhoids and the anus area, rectal bleeding, and bloating; muscular pain, joint pain, stiffness; neurological problems of depression, mood swings, rage reactions, migraine headache, seizures, dizziness, light-headedness, loss of balance, disorientation, mental confusion, anxiety, panic attacks, hyperactivity, behavioral problems in children, attention deficit disorders, lethargy, sleepiness, insomnia, numbness or paralysis seizures, sciatica, slurred speech, chills and shakes, shuddering, blurred vision, difficulty focusing, and pressure around eyes; respiratory disorders, asthma, shortness of breath, chest pain, tightness in the chest, runny nose, sneezing; urological (genital) dysfunction, swelling of the prostate, swelling of the vagina, vaginal spotting, frequent urination, nocturia (nighttime bedwetting, sleep urination); internal and external skin hives, rash, mouth lesions, temporary tightness or partial paralysis or numbness and tingling of the skin, flushing, extreme dryness of the mouth, face swelling, tongue swelling, bags under eyes; allergies, anaphylactic shock; Fibromyalgia, a rheumatologic that is very hard to treat: and none of it necessary! Nice stuff, that ARTIFICIAL monosodium glutamate, don't you think? The fact that not everybody reacts the same, or in the same time frame following ingestion of MSG, does NOT exonerate the damned poison so much as one iota. Very few people had any appreciable problems with NATURAL MSG, until they became SATURATED with the ARTIFICIAL and CHEAPER version!
8451 To Wit: Diligent research has always confirmed that MSG causes brain lesions in the area of the hypothalamus, while all research reputing MSG to be safe has always been financed by the kak-jew laden glutamate industry fronted by the likes of Ajinomoto's International Glutamate Technical Committee. MSG is proven to cause damage to the endocrine system; and cause glaucoma and retinal degeneration. It is no wonder, since MSG is also an approved fertilizer and fungicide for use in home and row-crop gardening! The kak-jews have even railroaded in the use of the term organic for food crops sprayed with such poisons. There is no mystery to the epidemic endocrine disorders, epidemic obesity, diabetes, both hyper- and hypothyroidism, and a host of other such and equally deadly diseases. MSG and the profiting-from-your-destroyed-health kak-jews are the REAL cause.
8452 This list and subject information could go on for many books of its own. Most are already available, and YOU, the victim should research all of them you possibly can.
8453 Successful Proof of The Anointing will also verify each and every word, statement and claim herein: all the above, including those against the United States Food and Drug ABOMINATION who SHOULD have prevented all these epidemics and mass murders by all those responsible.]
8454 ""Behold, I give you the Keys to the Signs of the Times: Heathens of the House of Judah shall publish much of greater and greater needs and greater and greater requirements (socialized medicine) at ever greater and ever more unaffordable expense upon the people; and those who shall be taxed unto overburden shall not be included among the recipients thereof (Illegal immigrants, illegal narcotics addicts, imprisoned criminals and welfare leeches can get all the medical care they want, including catastrophic cost organ transplants, et cetera, and the average wage-earning taxpayer and retiree can't!); until the whole collapse of the whole economy shall the Heathens of the House of Judah and their Manipulators continue the ranting and raging for more and more from fewer and fewer producers. For the total collapse of the U.S. economy is the actual purpose and intent of the whole campaign! And when you shall see this clear sign: Rejoice! for My Testimony of you in the souls of the few shall make that few to know that the whole of the House of Judah and all their socialist whoredoms are condemned in My Sight!
8455 ""Behold, I give you the Keys to the Signs of the Times: Heathens of the House of Judah shall publish much of publicans preaching nonsense to the ignorant that the nation need not great forces nor equipments of defense because peace is restored and the whole world seethes with rage because of iniquity and injustice, and the (programmed) ignorant approve! And when you shall see this clear sign: Rejoice! for My Testimony of you in the souls of the few shall make that few to know that the whole of the House of Judah and all their socialist whoredoms are condemned in My Sight!
8456 ""Behold, I give you the Keys to the Signs of the Times: Heathens of the House of Judah shall publish much of publicans preaching nonsense to the ignorant and being vested with powers they will abuse, placing burdens upon the people (taxes) to placate the disasters they have created among the ignorant (socialists throwing YOUR money at problems THEY created with their socialist stupidities) whom they scheme to enslave! And when you shall see this clear sign: Rejoice! for My Testimony of you in the souls of the few shall make that few to know that the whole of the House of Judah and all their socialist whoredoms are condemned in My Sight!
8457 ""Behold, I give you the Keys to the Signs of the Times: Heathens of the House of Judah shall publish much of publicans preaching nonsense to the ignorant and cowardly to weaken them and deprive them of all freedom and liberty I have given (gun control, anybody?) to compound the power of the morally bereft over the ignorant and cowardly! And when you shall see this clear sign: Rejoice! for My Testimony of you in the souls of the few shall make that few to know that the whole of the House of Judah and all their socialist whoredoms are condemned in My Sight!
8458 ""Behold, I give you the Keys to the Signs of the Times: Heathens of the House of Judah shall publish much, preaching knowing lies and knowing nonsense to the socialist educators, knowing their wiles (destruction of education by lower and lower standards under the guise of racial equality) shall be a death and a destruction to knowledge, intelligence and wisdom (degenerated and destroyed by the socialist politically correct agenda until it is against the law to practice our religions, speak the truth, or even laugh at ourselves!) that the children know not and know not that they know not until the whole world, save the few socialist heathen of the House of Judah have literacy at their table! And when you shall see this clear sign: Rejoice! for My Testimony of you in the souls of the few shall make that few to know that the whole of the House of Judah and all their socialist whoredoms are condemned in My Sight!
8459 ""Behold, I give you the Keys to the Signs of the Times: Heathens of the House of Judah shall publish much, preaching and enforcing socialist nonsense to the ignorant of liability upon the craftsman (liability upon the manufacturer) for the actions of the fools and corrupt that the ignorant be deprived of the powers and the abilities of self-defense and the means and maintenance to self-defense, saying all manner of lies concerning the foolishness of the ignorant to absolve the foolish and the corrupt of their own responsibilities; and all such socialist desecrations of all the freedom and liberty I have given are the handiwork of Heathens of the House of Judah and their Manipulators! And when you shall see this clear sign: Rejoice! for My Testimony of you in the souls of the few shall make that few to know that the whole of the House of Judah and all their socialist whoredoms are condemned in My Sight!""
[INSERT: Self-defense is a right, not a 'crime'! It is NOT murder, manslaughter, involuntary or otherwise, nor any kind or type of a 'crime' whatsoever – except to the socialists on government payroll or in charge of dictating what government does at every breath, and the god damned Lodges already documented as running all police, courts, prisons, pardon and parole as graft machines. All such damnables including the socialists, the gutless and the criminals want all intended victims to be defenseless, and for no other purpose than the detriment of the victims! All other claims to the contrary are pure, unadulterated and knowing damned lies!
8461 Kaks and socialists will NEVER cease to expound layer upon layer of stupidity upon layer upon layer of stupidity. And only the most asinine of corrupt mentalities would permit such injustices to pass any court, which the current crop of judges are doing with all haste! Injustice is too polite a word, but that's the nearest thing to 'justice' current 'courts' are capable of. And look at the actualities:
8462 A bartender, working for minimum wage and tips, is held liable for a customer's drunken escapades committed after leaving the place of business! The drunk isn't held responsible for their own actions, the INNOCENT bartender is! The arresting officer must 'prove' and 'document' a drunk's alcohol level – drunkenness – but the waiter, waitress or bartender has neither the authority nor expertise to make such an accusation, let alone such an assumption. But that doesn't deter the god damned socialists from making them liable for a crime they had no part of.
8463 The manufacturer of a firearm can be sued because some criminal uses that brand of firearm in the commission of a felony! The criminal isn't held responsible for their own actions, the INNOCENT manufacturer is!
8464 The manufacturer of a pleasure craft (motorcycles, off-road vehicles, powered water skis (Jet Skis), ultra-light aircraft, et cetera) goes out of business because they are HELD LIABLE for deaths and injuries from the MISUSE and RECKLESS USE of their products! Those manufacturers can't afford the LIABILITY insurance or the law suits! Yet all these products are VALUABLE service, entertainment, exploration, search and rescue pieces of equipment. To the socialists it's not a matter of VALUE, it's a matter of TOTAL CONTROL of any and all ECONOMICS toward TOTAL Global Enslavement. The same LIABILITY is true even of competent physicians, medical practitioners, and medical equipment manufacturers.
8465 Socialists strip Parents of the ability to DISCIPLINE their children, and when the children get caught in any stupidity, committing any crime, injure themselves or others as result of their LIMITED intellectual capacity due to LACK OF DISCIPLINE, those same socialists scream from the housetops of the PARENTS FAILURE to discipline the children and HOLD THE PARENTS RESPONSIBLE!
8466 The stupidities and encroaching damnations of socialism in all its demonic forms are never ending.
8467 Should there be legal recourse for the actions of a drunken person? OF COURSE! Upon that drunken person! But NOT upon the employee who LEGALLY served the product; NOT the merchant who LEGALLY sold the product, NOT the distributor who LEGALLY sold the product to the merchant, NOT the distiller brewer who LEGALLY made the product and LEGALLY sold it to the distributor wholesaler, NOT the container manufacturer who LEGALLY made the product container; NOT the transportation company who LEGALLY transported the raw materials and the finished product! The list goes on – and on – and on!
8468 Should there be legal recourse for shoddy cum substandard products? OF COURSE! But that has nothing to do with their use by a criminal!
8469 Everyone should be fully aware that the police Blue Wall (cover-ups and illegal protective measures, usually altered evidence and official silence) are built on a Black-Robe (court judges) foundation! As are all the suppressed evidences that would exonerate the accused, a practice that is far more rampant than any other actual crime. There's not a judge on any bench that isn't guilty of KNOWING there are always suppressed and destroyed evidences that favor the accused, that police and prosecutors are raging liars, and manufactured and remanufactured evidences are usually more than half of the prosecution's case! They also know that most of the people are both too gutless to question government and too stupid to recognized manufactured evidence.
8470 Don't think so? Then explain the hundreds of exonerations as result of DNA evidences that SHOULD have been "NOT GUILTY" at the outset! The police have a 'quota', the prosecutions have a 'quota' and the courts have a 'quota' to ensure there are enough wards of the State to maintain the Masonic and Knights of Columbus Lodge's graft machines. And THAT fact alone is prima facie evidence as to 'why' all these corrupt bastards will spare no taxpayer's expense to MAINTAIN all their railroad 'convictions'! THEY WANT THE MONEY! Even if it does come from promotions, re-election, higher appointments, et cetera: GRAFT IS STILL GRAFT!
8471 But these are only a few of the ENSLAVEMENT DOORS the socialists must CLOSE to accomplish their Grand Plan of TOTAL Global Enslavement, even if it is accomplished by legislation and corrupt courts!]
8472 ""Behold, I give you the Keys to the Signs of the Times: Heathens of the House of Judah shall publish much of publicans preaching nonsense to the ignorant that the ignorant maintain the publican in power, saying all manner of lies concerning the accomplishments of the ignorant when all such desecrations of all the freedoms and liberties I have given are the handiwork of the publicans and their manipulators! And when you shall see this clear sign: Rejoice! for My Testimony of you in the souls of the few shall make that few to know that the whole of the House of Judah and all their socialist whoredoms are condemned in My Sight!""
[INSERT: Never forget Lyndon Banes Johnson selling the fools on gun controls and social security claiming the opponents seek to undo "all you have done"? But it wasn't the people who did any of it! It was all those damnable socialists who did it all, Lyndon Banes Johnson among them!]
8474 ""Behold, I give you the Keys to the Signs of the Times: Heathens of the House of Judah shall publish much of revelations from the Ancients (archaeological sites and publications) suppressed from the peoples, lies and distortions lest My Truth be known and the peoples understand My Truth and My Testimony against all the churches and against all the socialists! And when you shall see this clear sign: Rejoice! for My Testimony of you in the souls of the few shall make that few to know that the whole of the House of Judah and all their socialist whoredoms are condemned in My Sight!
8475 ""Behold, I give you the Keys to the Signs of the Times: Heathens of the House of Judah shall publish much of all manner of man's laws to nullify My Holy Law and My Holy Statutes; to remove My Pronouncements from access by the people, to remove My Blessings upon a righteous few, to seek to remove My Curses from off Accursed Canaan with greater pollutions and to pollute the minds of the people to destroy their souls and desecrate the very bodies until they are a profanity in My Sight (forced integration and racemixing)! And when you shall see this clear sign: Rejoice! for My Testimony of you in the souls of the few shall make that few to know that the whole of the House of Judah and all their socialist whoredoms are condemned in My Sight!
8476 ""Behold, I give you the Keys to the Signs of the Times: Heathens of the House of Judah shall publish much of equality of the Accurseds (Canaan and Accursed Cush) until the cities they infest shall lay in moral decay until even the very structures thereof are a rot to be abandoned. Accursed Canaan shall be a stench and an abomination in the streets, merchants fleeing lest they be consumed, and criminals rule the day and the night! And when you shall see this clear sign: Rejoice! for My Testimony of you in the souls of the few shall make that few to know that the whole of the House of Judah and all their socialist whoredoms are condemned in My Sight!
8477 ""Behold, I give you the Keys to the Signs of the Times: Heathens of the House of Judah shall publish much of equality until the cities are burned by Accursed Canaan seeking that which is not theirs; and impossible events amidst the turmoils of war as the cities burn; of conspiracies denied in the face of irrefutable evidence of conspiracies; and the people submit to the atrocities lest they offend those who are to protect them but protect them not! And when you shall see this clear sign: Rejoice! for My Testimony of you in the souls of the few shall make that few to know that the whole of the House of Judah and all their socialist whoredoms are condemned in My Sight!
8478 ""Behold, I give you the Keys to the Signs of the Times: Heathens of the House of Judah shall enact and enforce unjust (socialist) laws until the whole of the nations become a haven for a din and a clatter (did you ever try to have a conversation with hop-headed rockers or rappers?) that the mind think not (now you know why you can't have an intelligent conversation with them!), the degenerate be all glorified, the profane be bathed in honor, the uncredible be called integrity and the whole of the land bask in its ignorance (anyone who can't see that is one of the baskers)! And when you shall see this clear sign: Rejoice! for My Testimony of you in the souls of the few shall make that few to know that the whole of the House of Judah and all their socialist whoredoms are condemned in My Sight!
8479 ""Behold, I give you the Keys to the Signs of the Times: Heathens of the House of Judah shall publish much denying their conspiracies of Wormwood spoiling the lands and waters round about even unto the very air of breath, know the time of My Vision; and see the lies and destructions of all socialism which is the Grand Demon of All Damnation! And when you shall see this clear sign: Rejoice! for My Testimony of you in the souls of the few shall make that few to know that the whole of the House of Judah and all their socialist whoredoms are condemned in My Sight!""
[INSERT: The Russian word for "Wormwood" is CHERNOBYL! Check both your calendar and the news reports of that disaster and you will KNOW where we are in the Visions of the Book of Revelation!]
8481 ""Behold, I give you the Keys to the Signs of the Times: Heathens of the House of Judah shall control the highest offices of the land, making them polluted and corrupt, bereft of truth, bereft of justice, murdering among themselves as Accursed Canaan in the streets (John and Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Flights 707 and 800, Waco, Ruby Ridge, Oklahoma City, and many more), innocent blood without recourse! And when you shall see this clear sign: Rejoice! for My Testimony of you in the souls of the few shall make that few to know that the whole of the House of Judah and all their socialist whoredoms are condemned in My Sight!
8482 ""Behold, I give you the Keys to the Signs of the Times: Heathens of the House of Judah shall publish much of vain laws promising safety but only create more danger (gun control, Patriot Act); the ignorant and cowardly screaming for more vain laws unto their own enslavement; justice for sale to the rich and injustice charged heavily upon the poor! And when you shall see this clear sign: Rejoice! for My Testimony of you in the souls of the few shall make that few to know that the whole of the House of Judah and all their socialist whoredoms are condemned in My Sight!""
[INSERT: The Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights of the Constitution of the United States of America is the absolute supreme anti-crime law ever enacted! It provides the individual, railroaded 'criminal' included, with the means to defend themselves against even a corrupt and murderous government, while providing an immediate defense capability in the form of a militia long before any standing military can arrive on the scene of any insurgency or grave disaster.
8484 That makes the said Second Amendment the greatest and most effective crime preventative ever legislated into law! And all the pusswillies, cowards, incompetents and Grand-Plan socialists who do the thinking for said pusswillies, cowards and incompetents damned well know it.]
8485 ""Behold, I give you the Keys to the Signs of the Times: Heathens of the House of Judah shall publish much against the wisdom learned and established in much agony and in blood and in fire by the Ancient (Founding) Fathers, that the wisdom be scoffed by the unlearned and unheeded by the foolish to ensure the enslavement thereof; that the whole land (nation) be damned in My Sight until the iniquity in their (the nation's) cup runs over and brings My Wrath! And when you shall see this clear sign: Rejoice! for My Testimony of you in the souls of the few shall make that few to know that the whole of the House of Judah and all their socialist whoredoms are condemned in My Sight!
8486 ""Behold, I give you the Keys to the Signs of the Times: Heathens of the House of Judah shall publish many lies and much nonsense to incite wars repeated upon wars; to bring famine upon famine at the hand of men that is not My Doing; until the very air is poison, the food is pollution and the water is death, the oil and the wine are injured and rotting bodies of the people from it are found around the whole world! And when you shall see this clear sign: Rejoice! for My Testimony of you in the souls of the few shall make that few to know that the whole of the House of Judah and all their socialist whoredoms are condemned in My Sight!""
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