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TRUTH is TREASON in the Land of Tyranny!

The Akurians
The Akurians have the Messiah AND The Testimony of The Most High, Himself.
Nobody else has either.  The Most High, Himself, says so!
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Email:  The Akurians.
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Part the Fourth.

As horrendous as the Curse of Noah upon Canaan is, it is amateurish by comparison to the Curse of The Most High Upon Cush.  Even so, the promised provision remains for Cush to come out of Canaan - and the time to get it done is too short to tamper with.  That we now have a soulless Canaanite in the White House does not absolve the Black Races; it only increases the damnations and abominations that will occur because THAT Canaanite is a dedicated Marxist!  More about that later …

Double quots "" are the Words of The Most High, Himself, translated into English directly out of Angelic the language of the Heavens. Quoting from the AED, Chapter 40:

7134     But all is not lost!
7135     As given previously, Accursed Cush, younger brother of Accursed Canaan, thought he could outsmart The Most High and His Anointed, and thwart Noah's Curse by mixing his people (children and servants) with those of Accursed Canaan!  Obviously he ignored all those parts of the Great Curse that didn't fit his plans.  What he actually managed to do was bring the Great Curse down on his own hide and all his generations after him.  But right there is the one fly that spells hope for those who want to escape the Curse on Accursed Canaan!
7136     Accursed Cush had a daughter, the beautiful and righteous Amberia Angelene!  She refused to be any party to such obvious Damnations and asked her great-grandfather Noah if he would preserve a few of Accursed Cush for her sake.  Noah, not knowing about the racemixings already in progress, and thinking his most-favorite great-granddaughter didn't fully understand that his Curse on Canaan applied only to Canaan, and that his descendants could easily carry their share of the penalty for three or four generations of living righteously and then be rid of it forever, decided to comfort his beloved Amberia Angelene.
7137     Noah not knowing what was already taking place, agreed and promised his favorite great-granddaughter that Cush would not have to be exterminated because of Ham, but if the Cushites would, they could be preserved by simply living righteously!  And only Noah had the power and authority to grant that petition!
7138     The following is a gist of several conversations between Noah and Amberia Angelene.  She was too intelligent to reveal all the abominations being done before she got whatever concessions she could from Noah.  These are the provisions Noah granted her – which are often to be found among the Black Races, and which are evidence that Accursed Cush is still there among Accursed Canaan and can separate themselves from Accursed Canaan and the Curse upon him!
7139     In this conversation it must be understood that Amberia Angelene knew of the racemixing and other abominations in and between her House of Cush and the House of Accursed Canaan; but Noah did not!

7140     AA:  "For my sake, will you grant a few (of Cush) to have minds uncontaminated with the vileness of Accursed Canaan?"
7141     Noah:  "For your sake, all of Cush may separate themselves and go into their lands apart from Accursed Canaan, and there, suffer only as heirs to Ham!"

7142     [INSERT:  Even today, it would be no more than four generations who will purify themselves, and abide by Holy Law, to remove a Curse – unless the generations of the accursed continue in the same damnations!]

7143     AA:  "For my sake, will you grant a few of mine to stand in The High Place and be instructed out of The Very Mouth of The Most High Lord of Spirits?"
7144     Noah:  "To stand in The High Place and to be instructed out of The Glorious Mouth is not mine to give, but for your sake, I will not forbid Cush to hear Him (The Most High); nor (forbid) any The Most High shall be minded to anoint unto his service."
7145     AA:  "Beloved of The Most High, be not offended at your daughter, for the whole of the House of Cush save me, have determined to defile your word, defy your authority and defame themselves in The Sight of The Most High, and I am sore ashamed.  Canaan and Cush have determined to take each other's sons and daughters in marriage, and all their servants also, and I am sore ashamed.  But I will not, my father, I will not.  Therefore, I must go from you and all that I love."
7146     Noah:  "Go not far from me, for there are few enough in my house of good righteousness, and I am not want to have you far from my sunrises and sunsets and from the pillows at my feet when we watch the heavens."
7147     AA:  "Be not offended at your daughter, but hear this last request that I may go forth in peace:  for my sake, will you excuse even a few of mine that in That Day they shall not die as the Accursed Canaanite, nor be swept into oblivion from before the House of The Most High Lord of Spirits?"
7148     Noah:  "For your sake, I will not totally condemn those of Cush who will walk in the ways of The Most High Lord of Spirits, neither will I forbid those of Cush who will remove themselves from the Damnations of Accursed Canaan to stand before that House of The Most High, neither will I remove My Curse from off Ham; but for your sake, the House of Cush may receive righteousness.
7149     "For the Curse is upon Canaan:  and in That Day I will have no such children (of his seed) to Blaspheme The Most High upon My Name!  For the Curse is upon Canaan:  and all who shall look upon him shall know of it, but who will be of Accursed Canaan will be with the Curse upon them; and who will not be of Accursed Canaan must remove themselves!  But because of this defiance and because this defiance is done in secret as an intrigue against me I will not speak a Curse upon Cush but shall require The Most High to say on my behalf."
7150     Then beautiful and righteous Amberia Angelene, having secured hope for her people – for she knew the abominations of desecrations were even in that minute being consummated in the tents of Canaan and Cush and the search for her was well advanced that she too would surrender herself to all the men – went out from Noah and stepped off a high bluff of Agri Dagi in the Chain of Kardo, that she die unpolluted and pure.
7151     That excerpt out of the Akashic Record isn't very gentle on the House of Ham or on Accursed Canaan; but it's one hell of a license of escape for Cush!
7152     Hopefully there will be some who take advantage of it.  It's as simple as the Black people leaving all the "nigger" elements in Accursed Canaan and separating themselves into Cush!  And make sure you understand – each and every Black person can separate themselves – and in so doing will fulfill the promise of Zechariah 14:21, last stanza, "and in That Day there shall be no more the Canaanite in the House of the Lord of Hosts!" because there will be no more Accursed Canaanites!  They will all have become Cushites and again Holy before The Most High.
7153     Those who do not will Die the Death reserved for Accursed Canaan and THAT will be the end of it.
7154     After Noah learned why his beloved and beautiful Amberia Angelene killed herself, and that Accursed Cush was the primary instigator, then he asked of The Most High to deal with Accursed Cush as was justice, for Noah would not invoke two Curses upon the same house simply because he wouldn't do it!  He could, but he had promised Amberia Angelene he wouldn't, and he didn't.
7155     The Curse upon Accursed Canaan was the result of Ham's misconduct, but the Curse upon Accursed Cush was upon his own head.  Had it not been for Righteous Amberia Angelene, there would have been an instant extermination of the House of Cush as befell the five cities of the plain – Sodom and Gomorrah among them – during Abraham's Reign.
7156     Below is the entire text of that Curse of The Most High upon Accursed Cush, and with all its prescribed hardships:  anyone of Accursed Cush who wants to retrieve themselves and their minor children can still do so!
7157     Like everything else we have to offer, the information in this book will be expanded upon in subsequent volumes.  And now:  here's what to do about undoing any jackassing with Accursed Canaan whether done in ignorance or otherwise.  Within the following communication is the exact wording of the Curse of The Most High upon Accursed Cush, the reasoning for it and the terms of escape from it.  Read it very carefully; and do not twist, distort, or jump to any pre-read, halfcocked delusions about it!


FM:  Council of Akurian Gnostics
August 10th, 1985

7158     ""This is The Holy And Unalterable Word of The Most High unto His Holy Anointed Son of Fire:
7159     ""Beloved Son of Righteousness, My Own Anointed Holy One of Israel, My Own Anointed Hope of Ishmael:  Beloved El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH:  it has come before me that you are concerned with those of Accursed Canaan, those of Accursed Cush, and all those who are ignorant of their station; and all those who profane My Holy Word and their very souls with Accursed Canaan and with Accursed Cush, and all their profaned and soulless victims!
7160     ""Because you have asked nothing for yourself from me, and because I see the concern within you for all these souls I will surely burn, this I give you – that you be comforted.
7161     ""Because you have asked nothing for yourself from me, and because you are My Own Holy Teacher of Righteousness, by these presents shall you know:
7162     ""There is hope for Accursed Canaan;
7163     ""There is salvation for Accursed Cush;
7164     ""There is rescue for the profaned;
7165     ""There is life everlasting for the soulless victims;
7166     ""Yea!  There is room in My Many Dominions for all the Righteous!
7167     ""Therefore, this I say to you, Beloved Righteous Avenger;
7168     ""Therefore, this I say to all the Houses of Accursed Canaan;
7169     ""Therefore, this I say to all the Houses of Accursed Cush;
7170     ""Therefore, this I say to all who have profaned themselves with Accursed Canaan and with Accursed Cush;
7171     ""Therefore, this I say to all who are victims of the profaned and Accursed Canaan and the profaned and Accursed Cush:
7172     ""Yea!  It is rightly proclaimed throughout the generations that I am a jealous God, a God who angers at any disrespect or any disregard for My Holy Name:  ALIHA ASUR HIGH; and any disobedience or any profanity of My Holy Law.
7173     ""There is no greater Blaspheme against me than to profane the very genes of your body with either kisses or sexual intercourse with one not of the lineage of your fathers who are pure in their generations!  Yea, such telegony profanes your very soul within you, and you know within yourself from your very conception that such is a profanity and a degeneracy and a pollution:  and such a vile, disgusting and putrid thing should not be done in My Sight!
7174     ""For when you profane your body:  you profane the temple of your soul;
7175     ""And when you profane the very genes of your temple of your soul, you pollute and Blaspheme your very soul;
7176     ""But when you pollute and Blaspheme your very soul, you Blaspheme the Holy Spirit of Truth, which is the essence of your very consciousness within you:  and I will never forgive that Blaspheme and you shall forever remain in danger of My Judgment; for such Blaspheme is a filth and a pollution and a degeneracy!
7177     ""Therefore, know:  that should death overtake you with your sins of interracial Blaspheme upon you:  you shall burn forever!  I will not have mercy, you have Blasphemed your own spirit, and you have profaned My Holy Law, and your burning shall never cease in My Justifiable Wrath upon you.
7178     ""Therefore, know:  that should death overtake you with your sins of either your tolerance, your approval or your encouragement of interracial Blaspheme and of such desecration of your generations after you:  and Yea, even of your neighbor, and of the stranger in your midst, or anywhere upon the land, upon you:  you shall burn forever!  I will not have mercy; you have Blasphemed your own spirit, and you have profaned My Holy Law, you have caused another soul to die, and your burning shall never cease in My Justifiable Wrath upon you.
7179     ""And know also:  whereof your approval is of your own lineage:  the greater sin is upon you, for you have raised up your children to be a generation of harlots and harlot mongers, and I will ask you concerning such vileness in That Great Final Judgment!  And if your child shall do such of themselves, put that harlot and that harlot monger from out of your sight, and chant unto me the prayer for the dead:  and forever let that child be as dead unto you that you burn not!  For that burning is forever.""

7180     [INSERT:  The Prayer for the Dead is a Hebrew chant.  Every Cantor is well versed to chant/sing it.]

7181     ""Therefore, know:  that should death overtake you and you have condemned interracial Blaspheme in the ears of all who would listen:  though many other sins be upon you, neither the Eternal Burnings nor My Wrath for the sins of interracial Blaspheme shall come nigh unto you in That Great Final Judgment!  And the righteousness of your condemnation of interracial Blaspheme shall be accounted righteous unto you against all your other sins!  For condemnation of interracial Blaspheme is Pure Righteousness in My Sight and I will not let the Holy Reward thereof be either delayed or denied!
7182     ""Yea!  For pure I made the races in their beginning, and pure I will require them in That Great Final Judgment!""

7183     [INSERT:  Because no hybrid, vegetable, animal or EVEN human, will breed true!]

7184     ""Therefore, know:  that I judge not good or evil according to race, but according to the pureness of the soul and the righteousness thereof.  For I am a God of cleanliness, a God of purity, and a God of infinite perfection; and therefore I will not tolerate any filth, especially in the blood and genes of my living creatures!  But, know also:  I have not said that one should not give the blood of their veins to another, as the pagan Jehovah Witnesses profess in one breath and promote putrefaction of the races by interbreeding in the same speaking, for the life is in the blood; and none has any greater love than whosoever will lay down their life for another!
7185     ""Therefore, know:  I shall slay Accursed Canaan and all the Children of Accursed Cush with Accursed Canaan, and remove them from out of My Sight and from before The Throne of the House of Israel, and from before The Throne of the House of Ishmael, even Islam:  because Accursed Canaan and Accursed Cush choose putrefaction over purity!  I established them pure in the beginning and pure I shall require them in That Day!  Yea, wheresoever I see even a twit of Accursed Canaan either in the blood, or in the genes, or in mind, or in the soul:  I shall burn all of that person as I shall burn all the heathen and all the false Prophets and all the lying and self-appointed priests and ministers!  For even the culture of Accursed Canaan is become putrid in My Sight and I will not permit it to continue to profane and degenerate My Holy People beyond That Day!
7186     ""Therefore, know:  I hate not Accursed Canaan, I hate the deeds of Accursed Canaan:  racemixing, whoring and whoremongering, incest, christianity in all its paganisms, adultery, narcotics, violence, rape, murder, stealing, robbery, extortion, lying, gambling, overbearingness, drunkenness, vanity, laziness, filth, hypocrisy, and the abandonment of their families:  for an abandoned child is a lost child; and I will not forgive the needless loss of any!  Yea, in My Sight:  whatsoever is of filth and moral degeneracy is of Accursed Canaan and whatsoever is of approval and endorsement of filth and moral degeneracy is of Accursed Cush!  And whosoever is likened unto Accursed Canaan shall be judged as an Accursed Canaanite and whosoever is likened unto Accursed Cush shall be judged as an Accursed Cushite even though they be of the purest blood of their fathers Ishmael and Israel:  and I will burn them even as I shall burn the Accursed Canaanite and even as I shall burn the Accursed Cushite in That Day for their pollutions!
7187     ""Therefore know also:  it is not the race of Accursed Canaan nor the race of Accursed Cush that is evil:  it is the soul of Accursed Canaan and the soul of Accursed Cush that is evil; and that evil soul shall die that their evil no longer pollute My Holy People!
7188     ""For it is true that some racemixed children of Accursed Canaan and Accursed Cush have lived their lives in such manner as to gain a soul in accordance with Holy Law!  But they are very few.  Yea!  Very, very few.  I will not deny a soul to any who will serve Me on my terms!  My laws are easy, my ways are gentle, but I shall not change them to tolerate any uncleanness:  and especially in the genes of their body and the life in their blood!  And for the sake of those few, and The Unalterable Word of My Anointed Noe, I shall therefore keep a few in Accursed Canaan for a little season as examples of all that I despise, and I shall therefore keep a few in Accursed Cush to stand before me in accomplishment and in honor and a few more pure in their generations as a testimony against the viles of Accursed Canaan and against the viles of Accursed Cush.
7189     ""Therefore, know:  whosoever will not come out of Accursed Canaan and whosoever will not come out of Polluted Accursed Cush and put all the filths and degeneracies of Accursed Canaan and the filths and degeneracies of Polluted Accursed Cush from out of their families and out of their presence and out of their houses and out of their land, I shall burn as I shall burn Accursed Canaan and as I shall burn Polluted Accursed Cush because they are as Accursed Canaan!
7190     ""And know also:  Accursed Canaan was once righteous before me, Accursed Cush was once righteous before me, and Accursed Canaan defamed the word of My Holy Anointed Noe even as Accursed Cush defamed the word of My Holy Anointed Noe:  and they became one in unrighteousness.  Yea!  They sought to defame the word of My Holy Anointed Noe and thus they sought to make My Unalterable Word to none effect.  Therefore they must die, for they repent not, neither do they call upon me or My Holy Ones unto repentance.
7191     ""Behold!  I would save even Accursed Canaan!
7192     ""Behold!  Accursed Canaan will not be saved by me, for My Holy Laws and My Holy Ones alive among them in all their generations have been a thing of great neglect and of great desecration by Accursed Canaan!  For there has never been one of the blood of Accursed Canaan nor of the blood of Accursed Cush who has been My Anointed Witness of a generation:  No!  Nor shall there ever be.
7193     ""For if Accursed Canaan and Accursed Cush were to honor My Own Anointed in their generations, Noah would remove his Curse from off Accursed Canaan and I would remove My Curse of Curses from off Accursed Cush!  (Did you get that?  Noah is still alive in the Heavens to remove his Curse!) And I would restore souls to all their profaned and soulless among them.
7194     ""Yea!  For if they repent I shall heal them!  Yea!  For if they repent I shall rescue them!  Yea!  If they repent I shall not burn them in That Day!  Yea!  If they repent and obey My Holy Laws I shall restore unto them each and every one:  a soul of purity, a soul of righteousness, a soul of honor that they stand in the Holy Company of My Holy Anointed in That Day!  But the heart of Accursed Canaan and the heart of Accursed Cush is far from me and there be few of them that shall not burn in true justice in That Day!""

7195     [INSERT:  That means that anyone who becomes a Proven Knower is not only forgiven of their sins and transgressions, if they are one of the soulless victims they are given a soul!  And, like all other Proven Knowers, they are given a Seal of God in their forehead!  The Most High's justice is equal across the board and without exceptions, but he will not bend His Holy Law to make exceptions!
7196     But don't think becoming a Proven Knower is a license to continue the programmed line of either socialists and their 'modern' excuses or hallelujah halfwits and their damnations!  IT IS NOT!  It is a Call to Arms to clean out your household, clean up your life, clean up all associated nonsense, and be about the business of proving yourself worthy of RETAINING That Great Seal of Your Creator in your forehead!  Don't sweat it if you don't like those terms, you will not be among the Proven Knowers to start with.]

7197     ""Yea!  Accursed Canaan speaks loud and long of the abuses upon them:  but Accursed Canaan earned those abuses by their own abuses!  Thus Accursed Canaan made himself a filth and a profanity and a desecration even among his own people generation unto generation.
7198     ""Yea!  Accursed Canaan speaks loud and long of the injustices upon them:  but Accursed Canaan earned those injustices by their own injustices!  Thus Accursed Canaan made himself a disgust and a hatred and a rejected and a violent fool generation unto generation.
7199     ""Yea!  Accursed Canaan speaks loud and long of the immoralities upon them:  but Accursed Canaan earned those immoralities by their own immoralities!  Thus Accursed Canaan made himself a degenerate and made himself a pollution.  Therefore, whosoever shall be of Accursed Canaan shall make themselves a degenerate even as Accursed Canaan, and shall make themselves a pollution even as Accursed Canaan generation unto generation.""

7200     [INSERT:  And that puts the eternal stop to any and all considerations of 'restitutions for slavery' being propounded by uninformed elements of the Black Races!]

7201     ""Lo!  From the very day Accursed Canaan himself saw the Great Curse of The Anointed of The Most High Lord of Spirits, even Noe, upon himself, he was want not unto repentance for the sins of his father, Ham, but was want to pollute all others under heaven and upon the earth even as he, himself, with his Curse!  And thus was the beginning of the manifestation of the filth of Accursed Canaan.
7202     ""Lo!  From the very day Accursed Cush himself saw the Great Curse of The Anointed of The Most High Lord of Spirits, even Noe, upon his brother Accursed Canaan, he was want not unto repentance and to assist the salvation of his brother Accursed Canaan, but was want to defeat the Great Curse, The Justified Word of The Anointed Noe, and The Unalterable Word of The Most High Lord of Spirits, even me!  And thus was the beginning of the manifestation of the overbearingness of Accursed Cush!
7203     ""Lo!  From the very day Accursed Canaan himself saw the Great Curse of The Anointed of The Most High Lord of Spirits, even Noe, upon himself, he took all his daughters and lay with them and made each of his sons lay with each of his wives and each of his concubines.  And he lay with each of his womenservants and made each of his menservants to first lay with each of their daughters and then made each of their sons lay with each of their wives and each of the concubines of the menservants, even their own sisters and even their own mothers.  And then Accursed Canaan caused each of his menservants to lay with each of his own wives and each of his concubines, and each of the wives and each of the concubines of each of his sons, and each of his own daughters, and each of the daughters of his sons until there was not one female of the House of Accursed Canaan that did not hold the semen of each male of the House of Accursed Canaan.  That all, both men and women, both born into the House of Accursed Canaan as blood of the blood of the House of Accursed Canaan or embonded into the House of Accursed Canaan, who became unto the House of Accursed Canaan even in marriage into the House of Accursed Canaan:  should be second unto him and have his filth upon them from the very beginning.  And thus Accursed Canaan polluted all the wombs of the House of Accursed Canaan and polluted all the semen of the House of Accursed Canaan to be a filth and a desecration unto me in all his generations after him unto forever.
7204     ""Lo!  From the very day Accursed Cush himself saw the vileness of his brother Accursed Canaan and that which Accursed Canaan caused all his wives and all his sons and all his daughters and all his menservants and all his womenservants and all their households to profane themselves in The Sight of The Most High Lord of Spirits, even me:  Accursed Cush lowered himself beneath the degeneracy of Accursed Canaan and did also unto all his wives and all his concubines and also unto all his sons and all his daughters, save (except) Amberia Angelene only.  And then made each of his sons to lay with each of his other sons and each of his daughters; save (except) Amberia Angelene only; and each of his wives, and each of his concubines, and each of his menservants, and each of his womenservants, and all their household until there was neither male nor female in the House of Accursed Cush that held not the semen of each and every male of the House of Accursed Cush, that all, both men and women and menservants and womenservants and all their households of the House of Accursed Cush and all who became unto the House of Accursed Cush should be second unto him and have his filth upon them from the very beginning.  And thus Accursed Cush polluted all the wombs and all the souls of all the women of the House of Accursed Cush and polluted all the semen and the souls of all the males of the House of Accursed Cush to be a filth and a desecration unto me in all his generations after him unto forever, save (except) Amberia Angelene only.
7205     ""Lo!  And after Accursed Canaan and Accursed Cush had so profaned themselves and all their households with them:  Accursed Cush determined that he was wiser than I, The Most High Lord of Spirits, even me, and said to Accursed Canaan on this manner, "The unjust hand of the Lord is upon Canaan and not upon Cush, therefore let us give unto each other in marriage, let my sons take your daughters to wife and your sons take my daughters to wife, that when the Lord looks upon our houses and upon our generations he shall not know which is Canaan and which is Cush and his Curse be nullified, thus we will be wise and His Anointed shall be a powerless fool."
7206     ""And to Accursed Canaan the overbearingness of Accursed Cush was as a beacon in the darkness to satisfy the evil within his soul.  And Accursed Canaan consented, and he gave unto Accursed Cush his own daughter, the most promiscuous harlot of all women, even Semiramis (called in the ancient tongue, Ku Baba), to be a wife unto Accursed Cush.  Behold, Accursed Canaan knew not that Accursed Cush had desired the womb of Semiramis from her earliest years, but Semiramis knew of Accursed Cush's desire for her, and opened her womb to all who would come in unto her as often as she could, except Accursed Cush.
7207     ""And thus was racemixing again established in the earth.
7208     ""Lo!  It was because the Nefilim (sons of god, Watchers) took criminal advantage of the daughters of Adama (men), laying with them as with their own women, that began the pollution of earth unto its ultimate destruction.  For it was of such conduct that Ish did lay with the degenerate Lilith (an early genetic failure in the Nefilim's attempt to create a worker populace) at the behest of Enki ben Anu (also called Ea) who enticed Isha (Eve) to offer the female to Ish.  When Enki saw that the genes thereof were not compatible unto the required perfection of a trainable worker race, he did cleanse Ish and made Ish whole and pure again.  And it was of such sordid conduct that vileness and impurity spread through all the genetics of the Adama except the lineage and generations of Noe.  For both the Watchers and Adama ignored the failure of the mixing of Ish and Lilith.  And it was because of such desecration of their genes that I destroyed the earth and many Nefilim among them.
7209     ""Do you not yet see, even this day, in the scraps of their being:  the small and naked humans in the presence of the large and clothed gods?  Are you not aware that such was so even as it glares at you from their walls and from their sherds?  And when the Nefilim abandoned the earth, it was the practice to portray the Kings larger in size as the gods were before them, but the subjects are portrayed both smaller and in clothing:  and by thus shall you know the age of the scraps of their being.
7210     ""And Accursed Canaan and Accursed Cush grew more vile and more degenerate, and all those who likened themselves after them and conducted themselves in their manner grew more putrid:  until they were want of their filth to again destroy all men, both Righteous and of My Promise, and the Evil and of My Wrath, from off the face of the whole world.  And the capitol of their degeneracy and the capitol of their practices was congregated in the Cities of the Plain:  even Sodom and Gomorrah, and Nachuai (NASH-YOU-IEE) and Zuhareth (ZOO-HAR-ETH) and Mehnkasseh (MEN-KASS-EH, names in the Angelic Tongue); where I destroyed them with fire and without mercy that the whole world should know that all such is a most putrid abomination in My Sight!
7211     ""And the whole world did know!
7212     ""For there were those of the Cities of the Plain who were not in the Cities of the Plain that morning.  And some came unto Abraham seeking shelter from the destruction and for him to curry favor with me on their behalf.  And Abraham traded not with them, but instructed them in My Holy Laws; and sent them away unto the very ends of the earth that they congregate not ever again as a community of filth near unto him.  And I delivered fire upon them also, for even the very smoke and ashes of that fire is a pestilence.  Thus did all the world hear by the very mouth of the survivors who were not in the cities when I delivered fire and death upon the whole of the plain.  And they and their generations likened unto them practice their degeneracy in secret even unto this very day.
7213     ""And, lo!  My Hand of Death is yet upon them!
7214     ""And, lo!  My Hand of Pestilence is yet upon them!
7215     ""And, lo!  My Curse is yet upon them!
7216     ""And, lo!  I will not remove My Curse from off them except they repent!
7217     ""And, lo!  My Curse of Curses upon the whole of the homosexual congregation came first from Accursed Canaan and from Accursed Cush:  but theirs was not an unnatural desire of man for a man as a man for a woman, nor was theirs an unnatural desire of woman for a woman as a woman for a man:  but a desire from within their knowing souls to profane me and defame My Holy Anointed alive among them by the desecration of their own very souls!
7218     ""And now, even in this vile and putrid Generation of Fire:  both the Accursed Canaanite and the Accursed Cushite and the homosexual scream and rage for special privilege not available to the honest, and the righteous, and the clean, and the pure in their generations.  For the Accursed Canaanite and the Accursed Cushite and the active homosexual know within themselves they are vile within themselves of themselves, and putrid within their own souls of themselves.  And I will not have them defile My Holy Law, nor will I have them defile My Holy People, nor will I have them defile My Holy Anointed or My Promised Elect Remnant under his hand, nor will I have them defile even one word out of the Mouth of Him Whom I Have Given Instruction and Righteous Power and Holy Authority!  And thus they are all at rage in the streets and in the dark places of their filth and their garbage, seeking to merge their desecration with the cleanliness of all my pure places.
7219     ""But hear me, Oh, Accursed Canaan!
7220     ""And hear me, Oh, Accursed Cush!
7221     ""Yea!  Hear me all you generations of Ham, even all Black Tribes and all Black Nations!
7222     ""For I would yet have a Remnant of you to stand before me in Righteousness!
7223     ""But you will not.
7224     ""Lo!  If there be a Remnant of Accursed Canaan to come out of Accursed Canaan in repentance before me for the sins of their fathers even unto Ham:  even a Remnant that will turn away from all the ways and practices and Blasphemes of their fathers; and a Remnant who will walk pure before me; I will remember that Remnant in That Day and I will not burn their souls forever!  Neither will I remove any of that Remnant out of My Sight, but shall make them anew unto Accursed Cush and be of great joy of them unto forever!
7225     ""Lo!  If there be a Remnant of Accursed Cush to come out of Accursed Canaan:  even a Remnant that will repent of the degeneracies and Blasphemes of their fathers; and a Remnant who will walk pure before me; I will cover that Remnant as a loving mother covers a sleeping child and stand them in the company of My Holy One of Israel alive among them!
7226     ""But know:  this is the manner of My Curse:  where there is any whoring or harloting of women or whoring or harloting of men:  I shall not forgive that whoredom or harloting and I shall burn that soul forever!  For I do not want the seeds of whoredom and harlots to fill the earth, but I do want the Seeds of My Holy Anointed Ones to fill every valley and every mountain and every plain and every city, and to drink of every spring and every creek and every river and to cast their nets upon every shore.  And understand that only the Seed of My Holy Anointed Ones cannot be defiled, lest he be required to bring forth children of pure women of Cush that those generations then purify themselves in their generations to stand Holy before Me.  Yea!  Only My Holy Son of Fire of whom alone is My Testimony is so immune:  and that because I am not willing that any should perish.
7227     ""But know:  where any man shall of his own free will lay with any against her will regardless of his lineage and regardless of her lineage:  in That Day I shall burn that man and the soul of that man forever even as I shall burn Accursed Canaan and even as I shall burn Accursed Cush!
7228     ""But know:  where any woman is taken against her will by any man who will lay with her:  in That Day I shall burn that man and the soul of that man forever even as I shall burn Accursed Canaan and even as I shall burn Accursed Cush!
7229     ""But know:  where any man shall of his own free will lay with any woman not of his lineage:  in That Day I shall burn that man and the soul of that man forever even as I shall burn Accursed Canaan and even as I shall burn Accursed Cush!
7230     ""But know:  where any woman shall of her own free will lay with any man not of her lineage:  in That Day I shall burn that woman and the soul of that woman forever and I shall burn that man and the soul of that man forever even as I shall burn Accursed Canaan and even as I shall burn Accursed Cush!
7231     ""And know:  where any man not of Accursed Canaanite lineage or not of Accursed Cushite lineage shall of his own free will lay with any woman not of his lineage:  in That Day I shall burn that man and the soul of that man even as I shall burn the whole of Accursed Canaan and even as I shall burn the whole of Accursed Cush!
7232     ""But know:  where any woman not of Accursed Canaanite lineage or not of Accursed Cushite lineage who shall of her own free will lay with any man of Accursed Canaanite lineage or of Accursed Cushite lineage:  in That Day I shall burn that woman and the soul of that woman even as I shall burn Accursed Canaan and even as I shall burn Accursed Cush!
7233     ""Yea!  I shall burn all who shall lay with any other not of the lineage as their fathers!""

7234     [INSERT:  There it is.  Absolute prohibition against all racemixing and rape – in all combinations of both gender and race.  And the Eternal Penalty is spelled out in no uncertain terms.]

7235     ""Woe unto whomsoever shall come before me with the Blaspheme of racemixing upon them, for immediately upon that death shall I burn that man and the soul of that man and that woman and the soul of that woman even as I shall burn Accursed Canaan and even as I shall burn Accursed Cush:  and none shall save them; no, not even My Holy Anointed Ones in their generations shall save them!
7236     ""And because Accursed Cush defiled My Own Holy word upon My Holy Anointed Noe;
7237     ""And because Accursed Cush defiled the word of My Holy Anointed Noe;
7238     ""And because Accursed Cush defiled himself with the womb of Semiramis, daughter of the Accursed Canaan;
7239     ""And because Accursed Cush defiled all his wives, and all his sons, and all his daughters, with Accursed Canaan:  save (except) Amberia Angelene only;
7240     ""And because Accursed Cush defiled all his menservants and all his womenservants and all their generations born under his roof, even all his household, with himself, with all his wives, with all his sons, and with all his daughters:  save (except) Amberia Angelene only;
7241     ""And because Accursed Cush defiled all his generations and all his household with the animals of the field:  save (except) Amberia Angelene only;
7242     ""And because Accursed Cush defiled the pure lineage of all his fathers before him:
7243     ""This:  I, even I, pronounced upon him and all his generations after him until destruction, that there be a living witness to all generations and to all tribes and to all peoples and to all nations:  that I am not mocked!
7244     ""This is My Own Curse of Curses upon Accursed Cush, that I pronounced in all the Planes of All the Heavens Above All the Earths, in All the Earths, and in All the Depths Beneath All the Earths:

Part The Fifth, Redemption - Mercy for all race-mixed people! …

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